Monday, January 3

4 Kick Start Workouts to Prepare for Ultimate Bootcamp

Chances are you've signed up for an Ultimate Bootcamp fitness program because you're in need of a change. Whether it's a change of routine, a change of lifestyle, or a change in the way you feel about yourself, the key to successfully changing is being prepared.

Soon you'll be stepping into your first boot camp Workout. You're concerned that others might be fitter than you. (Some might be, some might not. Our Trainers are renowned for personalizing each bootcamper's workout) You're wondering if you can keep up with the exercises. (Some exercises you'll find more difficult than others, but everyone has strengths they can be proud of and weaknesses they need to work on) You hope your Bootcamp Trainers won't call you out in front of the class. (They will, but only to cheer you on to success)

How do we know what you're thinking? Because we've led literally thousands of New Englanders just like you to fitness success.

While you don't need to be in shape to get the most out of your Ultimate Bootcamp fitness experience, it doesn't hurt to knock some of the cob webs off your training shoes before jumping into class.  Here are 4 Kick Start Workouts to Prepare you for Ultimate Bootcamp.

The goal of the kick start workouts is to increase your core strength, stability and get you familiar with the types of exercises that will be performed in Ultimate Bootcamp Workouts.  A resistance band, light set of dumb bells, or even water bottles are recommended for additional resistance on some exercises

You can perform each of these workouts just one time the week before class begins or you can incorporate these workouts along with longer cardio exercises into your workout routine weeks before class begins. Each workout will last between 30 minutes and 60 minutes depending on your fitness level. Be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Beginners (B) - Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, rest 30 seconds between the different exercises, repeat the set twice.
Intermediates (I) - Perform 15 repetitions of each exercise, rest 15 seconds between the different exercises, repeat the set twice.
Advanced (A) - Perform 20 repetitions of each exercise, rest 30 seconds between the different exercises, repeat the set three times.
Workout #1
5-10 minute General Warm up - power walk, easy jog or other cardio machine
5-7 minute Dynamic Warm up - Do a variety of activities to slowly increase your heart rate even more and warm up your entire body like: marching with high knees, jumping jacks, side shuffles, arm circles, long stride walk, straight leg kicks

Set #1
  • Squats - legs slightly wider than hip width, slowly lower hips down and back (think about sitting waaaay back into a chair), weight is in your heels, back is in a neutral position (don't sway forward or backward)
  • Wide Side to Side Jumps - hop side to side as far as you feel comfortable concentrating on a silent, soft landing.
  • Forward Kicks - stand up tall, lift your knee up, then kick your heel out and in, knee comes back down. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to other leg.
  • Jumping Jacks
Set #2
  • Chair Crunch - Sit up tall at the edge of a chair or bench, tighten up your core muscles, raise your knee towards your chest as high as you can without compromising your tall, flat back. Beginners raise one knee at a time, Advance raise both knees into chest at the same time
  • High Knees - Either march or run in place with high knees. Each time your right knee comes up counts as 1 repetition
  • Plank - There are many different variations of this static exercise that engages most of the body's muscles. (B) Begin laying on stomach, elbows close to sides, hands and forearms and knees touching the ground. Raise your torso off the ground for 5 seconds, then return to the ground. (I) Variation is to support yourself from your toes instead of your knees. Raise torso off the ground for 10 seconds, then return to ground. (A) Variation is to raise one leg off of ground. Raise torso off the ground for 15 seconds, then return to ground
5-10 Minutes Stretching and Cool Down - This is arguably THE most important part of your workout, especially if you are beginning to workout more often that you're use to. This was a heavy leg day, so be sure to stretch out your quads, hamstrings, hips and core muscles.

Workout #2
5-10 minute General Warm up - power walk, easy jog or other cardio machine
5-7 minute Dynamic Warm up - Do a variety of activities to slowly increase your heart rate even more and warm up your entire body like: marching with high knees, jumping jacks, side shuffles, arm circles, long stride walk, straight leg kicks

Set #1
  • Push ups - Whether you're on your knees or your toes, be sure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width apart, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you slowly lower your chest towards the ground. Keep your neck in line with your spine by looking about 18" beyond your fingertips.
  • Flutter Kicks - Lay on your back, hands by your side or under your lower back, raise straight legs anywhere between 6" (A) to 90 degrees (B) off the ground, and alternate "flutter" kicks
  • Swimmers - Lay on your stomach, arms extended over head, palms facing towards ground. "Swim" your arms by alternating up and down to work the upper and lower back.
  • Mountain Climbers - From a plank position (either on forearms or hands), drive your knee into your chest as one foot comes off the ground, then the other.
Set #2

  • Tricep Dips - sit on the edge of a chair or bench, elbows close to your side, hands on bench by your side, finger tips facing forward, curling over chair. Push through your palms as you lift yourself off of bench, then slowly hinge at elbows to lower yourself down and slowly raise yourself back up (B) knees at 90 degrees (I) Legs extended straight (A) Lift one leg off ground
  • Boxer Punch - Stand tall, feet hip width, elbows by side, hands under chin. Alternate right and left punches, extending arms out 95%, then quickly returning elbows to side. Each time you punch with right hand is one repetition. (A) Punch with light resistance (dumb bells or resistance band behind back)
  • Overhead Press - Stand tall, feet hip width, neutral back (don't arch), both elbows raised by your side 90 degrees with resistance (dumb bells or resistance band). Press hands overhead keeping the palms facing forward, slowly return elbows to 90 degrees.
 5-10 Minutes Stretching and Cool Down - This is arguably THE most important part of your workout, especially if you are beginning to workout more often that you're use to. This was a heavy upper body day, so be sure to stretch out your chest, shoulders, back and core muscles.

Workout #3
5-10 minute General Warm up - power walk, easy jog or other cardio machine
5-7 minute Dynamic Warm up - Do a variety of activities to slowly increase your heart rate even more and warm up your entire body like: marching with high knees, jumping jacks, side shuffles, arm circles, long stride walk, straight leg kicks

Set #1
  • Plyometric Skips - Skip in place, to both work your leg and core muscles, as well as elevate your heart rate for caloric burn. Skip just like you did when you were a little kid, allowing your arms to lift all the way up. The higher your knees go, the greater the intensity. To take it up a notch, get higher into the air with each skip. To target your calves, refrain from letting your heels touch the all!
  • Bicep Curls - Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your side, and palms facing forward, slowly raise your hands up to your shoulders with your forearms in front of you, and slowly lower back down fully. Increase resistance by using dumbells, a resistance band, or even water bottles or cans of beans!
  • Side Crunch Lifts - Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of you. Rest your upper body on your right elbow, with your weight firmly planted on your right butt cheek. Keeping your legs straight, slowly raise them 12-18 inches of the floor, and lower back down. For extra balance, you should position your left hand on the floor behind your left side.
  • Twisting Box Steps - With your right foot and all your weight placed on an elevated surface (sturdy box, stair, curb, low chair, crate, etc.), lift your left knee up and across your body, towards your right shoulder. When lowering your left foot back down, try to do so without planting your weight on your left foot. Try to keep all of your weight and balance on that supporting right leg. Take it up a level by raising your arms above you, and lowering them down outside your rising left knee. Add in a little 'hop' too, if you're feeling super fit! 
Set #2 
  • Squat Shoulder Laterals - With arms by your side, lower yourself into a squat position. Hold that squat, and raise your arms up to the side until they're level with your shoulders. They should now be parallel with the floor and the ceiling. Lower back down, staying in your squat. To add resistance, take some extra weight in hand!
  • Fire Hydrants - Kneeling on all fours, raise your right knee up to the side, so that your hip is open 90 degrees. Repeat all reps on the right side, then switch to the left.
  • Sit Ups - Unlike many sit-ups, these require that you really do try to sit up...all the way! Lying on your back with your legs outstretched, lift your legs slightly off the ground. Then, while holding your elevated legs, sit up all the way. Without ever letting your legs or feet touch the ground, lower your upper body back down.
 5-10 Minutes Stretching and Cool Down - This is arguably THE most important part of your workout, especially if you are beginning to workout more often that you're use to. This was a heavy upper core and hip day, so be sure to stretch out your hip flexors, upper and lower abdomen as well as your back and hamstrings.

    Workout #4
    5-10 minute General Warm up - power walk, easy jog or other cardio machine
    5-7 minute Dynamic Warm up - Do a variety of activities to slowly increase your heart rate even more and warm up your entire body like: marching with high knees, jumping jacks, side shuffles, arm circles, long stride walk, straight leg kicks

    Set #1
    • Running- and Reverse-Running Steps - Standing in front of a step (your bottom stair or doorstep would be ideal), step up and down leading with your right foot. Try to do this in a running motion. Finish your reps on the right, then repeat on the left. Then, for the reverse option, stand up on the step, and repeat that same set, stepping down instead of up!
    • Cross-Crunches - Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, place your fingertips at your ears, elbows pointed out to the side. Then bring your left knee towards your right shoulder, bringing your right shoulder down towards your left knee at the same time. Aim to engage as much of the abdominal area as possible. Higher tempo will add a cardio burn too!
    • Glute Kickbacks - On all fours, bring your right knee under you towards your chest, then fully extend that same leg all the way straight out behind you. Try to lead with your heel, not your toe, keeping the foot flexed, not pointed. Complete the reps on the right side before switching to the left.
    • Chest Fly - Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat, extend your arms out to the side. Slowly bring your arms and hands straight up towards the ceiling, keeping your arms straight as you do so. To increase resistance, simply grab light dumbells, waters, or get out the cans of beans! 
    Set #2
    • Break The Branch - With your arms raised high up over your head, bring both hands down forcefully at the same time your raising one of your knees. Try to complete this motion as if you're breaking a branch over your knee! Alternate right and left knees, adding a hop to increase the cardio aspect.
    • Walking Planks - Rest on elbows, face down. Lift your mid-section off the ground, so that you're now in a plank position. Lift yourself up onto your hands, then back down onto your elbows. Alternate sides. Maintain muscular development by refraining from allowing your mid-section to touch the ground!
    • Reverse Crunches - Sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, rest back on your elbows, making sure that they're fully supporting all your upper body weight. Keeping your upper body still, bring your knees in towards your chest, and then straighten them back out in front of you again. If you have lower back concerns, bring your feet higher off the ground when extending your legs.
    5-10 Minutes Stretching and Cool Down - This is arguably THE most important part of your workout, especially if you are beginning to workout more often that you're use to. This was a heavy cardio day and you used almost every muscle. Take special care to stretch out from head to toes.

      Questions about the Kick Start Bootcamp Workouts? Leave a comment.

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